Our design team always get excited when it comes to our weekly submissions run though. We love seeing how up and coming creatives use our practice briefs and learning materials to create artwork for their own portfolio and It's always a great buzz when we see jaw dropping talent that takes our breath away!

A few weeks back we launched our student live feed, essentially as an upgraded version of our previous submissions page from our older platform as our community love to connect and see what each other have been up to. We've noticed that you guys just keep getting better and better, are taking more time on the briefs and are actively working super hard to complete all the project deliverables from some of our more detailed brief sets.

This month the quality of work and talent keeps getting even better. It feels like we have some healthy competition going on with most of our designers now stepping things up a level within our community, taking their portfolio and a future in design way more seriously.

We've had literally hundreds of submissions this month, so please bear with us if we have not responded to each and everyone of you yet. We always try and feature a broad variety of work and of course will put focus on those of you who are dedicating quality time on a mixture of our different brief sets and courses.

With that said, let's do this! Here's a roundup of some of the best talent we've seen this month from our community of creatives:

Beatrice Tung has really impressed us with this eye catching case study completed as part of our Food & Drinks Packaging Brief Set. Beatrice's approach to this project is an extremely professional, well considered solution to brand a disruptive up and coming health bar company. Beatrice is actually only just starting out in design and is at a very early stage of her career (her portfolio is currently in progress) and we'll make sure to add a link to more of her work once she has completed it, with the help of Briefbox of course.

Leila Doyle's branding & identity solution created as part of our Branding For The Music Industry Brief Set immediately made us nod our heads in appreciation. Extra kudos goes out for spending time to source premium, higher quality mock-ups and by creating a customised typeface as part of the main logo! Keep up the the great stuff Leila :) Check out more of Leila's work over here.

We absolutely love these super minimal, sleek and luxurious designs by Dan Mircea created as part of our Portfolio Starter Kit. This is Dan's approach to the Editorial Layout For A Lifestyle Publication brief which is the 4th project within the Kit. This as a true example of how minimalism, use of space and a less is more approach to graphic design will always create visually engaging case studies that pack a punch. You can check out more of Dan Mircea's work over here.

Valerie Grifin has been using Briefbox for a while now and it's been really exciting watching her design skills progress over time. Valerie created this mini identity concept for one of our most popular branding projects as part of our Brand & Identity Brief Set and we're really impressed with the shots Valerie has put together as part of the case study. Check out more of Valerie's work over here.

To wrap us this month's Made with Briefbox post, it's another absolute beautiful layout created by Beatrice Tung, created as part of our Print & Packaging Brief Set. We're loving this quirky, urban design for the 'Wipe Out Magazine' brief within this set and Beatrice, who is only just starting out in design is definitely one to watch out for!

Another awesome month of talented submissions by the Briefbox community and we can't wait to see what you guys create over the next few weeks!

Don't forget if you want to get featured make sure to add the #briefbox to your Instagram posts, tag us and don't forget to send your full, high quality submissions over to [email protected]

That's it for now folks! Catch you next month for more Made with Briefbox goodness.