With the colder weather setting in, it looks like our community of designers and illustrators are taking advantage of spending more time indoors by dedicating themselves to creative focus time. We saw an influx of talented students and designers of all skill levels join the Briefbox platform over the last few months, and our submissions inbox has been overflowing with design projects that are set to make an impact in the design industry.

It's always amazing to see Briefbox students using our practice briefs to help their portfolios stand out from the crowd when job hunting, and to generally gain more exposure across the sector. If you're looking for a big hit of inspiration from some recent talent look no further - It's Made With Briefbox time!

Peep branding By Taylor Peliska

More from Taylor - highfivefriends.design
Brief set used - Brand & Identity

Seen Branding by Mike Victorik

More from Mike -
www.mikevictorick.com   /   https://www.instagram.com/mikevictorick/
Brief set used - Branding for the Music Industry

My Alpine Branding by Ashton Dunn

More from Ashton- https://www.ashdunn.me/
Brief set used - Mixed Discipline Brief Set

ZZZ Branding by Neha Hiremath

More from Gina - https://dribbble.com/ginamedranda/about
Brief set used - Digital & UI

Elsewhere in the community

Check out our student live feed to see what the rest of the community have been working on. Remember to tag @thebriefbox or add #briefbox on your own Instagram posts to share your work!

For your chance to be featured in our next community round-up, make sure you keep sending over your favourite submissions to either [email protected] or directly over to our mentors via any of our mentoring add-ons available here.

We'll see you soon for more talented design submissions from our community of creatives.

Team Briefbox 👋