It's been yet another absolute killer of a month in terms of raw talent emerging from the Briefbox community in October. It's always great to see such a variety of designers with different skill levels and preferred disciplines using Briefbox to stay sharp. With the drop of our new Illustration Essentials course and our Killer Homepages brief set gaining crazy interest, we've got loads of juicy inspiration to share with you this month.

1) Elloise Mae
Created as part of our Killer Homepages brief set.

Awesome work here by Elloise, completing full case studies and showing what can be done with conceptual projects. We'll be keeping a close eye on Elloise and if you're looking to check more of her work out, we highly recommend her Insta which is full of the good stuff!

2) Girti Sunn
Here's a perfect example of how you can use Briefbox to build your complete portfolio from scratch using only our learning material. Girti informed us, that after a decision to switch careers, she was in need of a quick effective way to get a portfolio together.  

Amongst many other projects included in her portfolio, here is one of our faves created as part of our Branding For The Music Industry brief set.

Girti also got in touch with us to let us know her thoughts on Briefbox and how it has helped her:

Thanks Girti, we appreciate it! Girti is proving what can be achieved with our brief sets and we'll be sure to check back in and see more of her work over the next few months. Here's a few more shots from her Insta which is definitely worth a gander too!

3) Tim Potts
Created as part of our Digital & UI brief set.

The first industry standard brief as part of our Digital & UI brief set is to create web layouts and a digital look and feel for a new online-only bank. This is up and coming designer, Tim Potts' approach. We love how Tim has completed all the project deliverables including a custom card design and all internal UI layouts for the app. Keep up the great work Tim!

4) Tara Nisha
Created as part of our Quick UI Challenges brief set.

Some beautiful minimal layouts by Tara Nisha created as a solution to the first project in our Quick UI brief set. Tara's spacious, clean designs work perfectly individually or as a set, and is a great example of how less sometimes really is more.

More from Tara over here

5) Ivana Stefanova
Created as part of our Killer Homepages brief set.

The ever popular; Killer Homepages brief set by Briefbox has seen some really awesome submissions this month. Alongside Elloise's artwork used for the feature cover, we also spotted this eye-catching, fun, yet professional set of designs by Ivana Stefanova. With great use of texture, and simple vector shapes combined with a dreamy colour palette, this project gets high fives all round from team Briefbox.

More by Ivana Stefanova over here:

We've also seen a stream of talent being added to our student live feed this month!! Here's a snap of some our latest features...

Make sure to keep checking back to the live feed to see if you get featured! Just add #briefbox to your Insta posts and we'll highlight awesome work each week.

That's about everything for this month, we hope you've been inspired by some of our students work and as always we can't wait to see your designs over the next month.

Catch you in November for more Made With Briefbox goodness.